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Xgenplus UA Ready Solution
Universal Acceptance-ready systems empower businesses to truly serve a global market. We took the lead in the internationalization of email addresses so people can use their native scripts for their email identities. For non-English speakers, this process helps bridge the digital divide and lets people from across the world and within their own villages communicate more easily. Universal Acceptance (UA) is the state in which all valid Domain Names and email addresses are accepted, validated, stored, processed and displayed correctly and consistently, regardless of script, number of characters, or recently introduced in the Unicode and are accepted equally by all Internet-enabled applications, devices, and systems.
People of different languages who do not understand English or any other language can easily be connected to the Internet. We watch movies in our language and enjoy it. Similarly, through Universal Acceptance, we can understand and enjoy the Internet in our language. The success of the Universal Acceptance initiative is crucial to the user’s satisfaction and ability to use several domains. It has become a fundamental requirement for the Internet to enable multilingual paradigm in which users can navigate through the entire Internet in their languages from around the world. It also unlocks the potential of new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) to promote the development of innovation and creativity in the domain name industry.
Bridging Linguistic Barriers
At XgenPlus, we specialize in developing and delivering comprehensive enterprise email solutions for unified communications to clients worldwide. We are committed to providing email solutions that transcend borders, serving a global market of 11 million users, including governments, telecoms, enterprises, and individuals. With our base in India, a country home to 1.2 billion people, 22 official languages, and 12 different scripts, we deeply understand the importance of email addresses in native scripts. As the online population continues to grow, we recognize the increasing significance of making the internet more accessible in local languages. That's why we actively contribute to the Universal Acceptance (UA) initiative, ensuring the usability of all domain names and email addresses across internet-enabled applications, devices, and systems. Our focus on Email Address Internationalization (EAI) plays a pivotal role in enabling the next billion users to connect effortlessly.
Our enterprise email solution underwent significant updates to support internationalized email and IDNs, requiring enhancements to over 30 components, including major elements like webmail, IMAP, POP, SMTP, contacts, calendar, antispam, search, logger, and rules. With no existing experiences for EAI acceptance, validation, storage, processing, and display, Our software development team leveraged their 20 years of email systems expertise. They meticulously examined the existing source code, studied relevant requests for comments (RFCs) and ICANN UA guidelines, and drew upon their comprehensive understanding of email clients and broader internet community issues. Through this diligent process, We developed a robust and workable solution, setting the stage for UA readiness.