July 31, 2023

Email Address In Assamese To Be Available Soon

July 31, 2023

DataMail : हिंदी, गुजराती, मराठी के बाद अब कन्नड़ भाषा में भी ई—मेल की सुविधा

July 31, 2023

Building a happiness quotient at workplaces is mandatory: Dr. Ajay Data shares tips to retain right talent

May 24, 2023

XgenPlus- Email Address in Native Language

XgenPlus has become the first Enterprise Email Solution Server to deploy Internationalized Domain Name (or IDN)
May 22, 2023

6 Benefits Of Customized Business Email Hosting

Email has been the most prominent way for communication. Every day, 1000’s of emails are send in a single entity enterprise.
May 3, 2023

Attendance & Team Management System – XgenPlus

XgenPlus Email App has emerged to relieve the hard work of HR / Managers to manage the company’s employees
April 5, 2023

How Sender ID Works (SPF)

Sender ID focuses on one of the most common and deceitful practices used by spammers: domain spoofing
April 5, 2023

POP-Based And IMAP-Based Solutions

POP-based and IMAP-based solutions are best suited for home and personal use where requirements for data recoverability
April 2, 2023

Easy Steps For Powerful Mail Searching

Searching and sorting things out from the masche is never easy. Especially in case of emails, where you have to filter